German Institute of Management Assessment and Psychotherapy

Dipl.-Psych. Oliver Brust

Find information on the psychotherapy certificate course for psychotherapists in Pakistan in the brochure (pdf).


Focal areas of work

  • Psychotherapy as a cognitive behavioral psychotherapist
  • Training and continuing education courses on psychotherapy (cognitive bevioral therapy) and methods in empirical social research (interviewing, test and questionnaire development, statistics)
  • Development of human resources assessment instruments, in particular requirement profiles, personnel selection interviews, and assessment centres
  • Facilitation of assessment centres, interviewing in personnel selection interviews, and preparation of HR diagnostic reviews
  • Preparation of second opinions on pending personnel decisions after pre-selection by recruitment agencies
  • Planning, development and realisation of population representative surveys


Focal areas of research

  • Social networking skills
  • Telephone interviews (CATI) and personality
  • Item Response Theory (IRT) in telephone interviews (CATI)
  • Measurement of vocational interests: Translation and test theory assessment of the Oregon Vocational Interest Scales (ORVIS; Pozzebon, 2010)


Short biography


  • 2001 - 2008: Studies of Psychology at Technische Universität Dresden
    • Specialisation: clinical psychology, industrial and organisational psychology
    • Further focal areas: personnel psychology, diagnostics and traffic psychology
    • Minors: business administraion, occupational medicine/social medicine/occupational physiology

Professional experience

  • Since 2007: Freelance trainer and consultant
  • Since 2015: Psychotherapist at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie (DGVT) Dresden
  • Since 2008: Research Associate at Technische Universität Dresden, Psychology/Sociology


You can find more information about me on my university website.

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