Pakistan School of Self-Esteem & Positive Personality Growth

Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Ph.D./Post Doc (Switzerland)

- Official representative of the German Institute of Management Assessment and Psychotherapy in Pakistan -






Find information on the psychotherapy certificate course for psychotherapists in Pakistan in the brochure (pdf).


Focal areas of work

  • CEO of the Pakistan School of Self-Esteem and Positive Personality Growth
  • Founder and Director of the Centre for Counseling and Social Wellbeing, University of Haripur
  • Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Haripur
  • Psychotherapy as a Clinical Psychologist for 22 years
  • Leading Clinical Psychologist in Pakistan


Focal areas of research

  • self-esteem and well-being
  • anxiety and COVID-19
  • empathy during COVID-19
  • economic inequality
  • marital satisfaction


Short biography


  • PhD (Clinical Psychology): November 2010; Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi-Pakistan; Topic of the PhD Dissertation: Self-Esteem Deficits and Suicidal Tendencies among Psychiatric Patients
  • Post-Doc: 2014-2015; University of Luzern, Switzerland
  • 1050 hours of Psychotherapiy with psychologically disturbed clients in different Institutes of Clinical Psychology and Hospitals


Professional experience

  • since 2022: CEO of the Pakistan School of Self-Esteem and Positive Personality Growth, psychotherapy certificate course for psychotherapists in Pakistan, together with Mr. Oliver Brust.
  • since 2021: Associate Professor (TTS), Department of Psychology, University of Haripur
  • 2017-2021: Director of resaearch in The Dvelve Pvt Ltd, Islamabad
  • 2006-2016: Clinical Psychologist in the Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi
  • 2004: Clinical Psychologist at Al-Nijat Drop-in Centre, Karachi
  • 2003: Clinical Psychologist at "DUA GO" Consultants Clinic Nazimabad #7 Karachi


You can find more information about me on my university website.

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